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Dealing with loss

Shaheryar Asghar| June 27, 2022


Losing a loved one is one of the most stressful events in life and can cause a great emotional crisis. After the death of your loved one, you will experience sadness. It literally means "deprived by death." 


Mourning a loved one 


Dealing with the death of a loved one is not easy. You mourn and grieve. Sadness is the natural process you experience to accept great losses. Mourning involves religious traditions honoring the dead and gathering with friends and family to share your loss. Condolences are personal and can last from months to years. Sadness is an external expression of your loss. Your sadness is likely expressed physically, emotionally, and psychologically. For example, crying is a physical expression and depression is a psychological expression.


 It is very important to be able to express these feelings yourself. Death is often the subject of avoidance, neglect, or denial. Getting away from pain may seem helpful at first, but forever grief is unavoidable. Someday these feelings must be resolved. Otherwise, it can cause physical or emotional illness. Many people report physical symptoms associated with condolences. Abdominal pain, loss of appetite, bowel discomfort, sleep disorders, and loss of energy are all common symptoms of acute mourning. Under all the pressures of life, sadness can seriously test your natural defense system. Existing illnesses can be exacerbated or new conditions can develop. Strong emotional reactions can occur. These reactions include anxiety attacks, chronic fatigue, depression, and suicidal ideation. Attachment to the deceased is also a common reaction to a death. 


Dealing with big losses 


The death of a loved one is always difficult. Your reaction is affected by the death situation, especially suddenly or accidentally. Your reaction is also influenced by your relationship with the deceased. The death of a child evokes the overwhelming injustice of lost potential, unfulfilled dreams, and unnecessary suffering. No matter how irrational it may seem, parents can feel responsible for the death of their child. Parents may also feel that they have lost an important part of their identity.


The death of a spouse is very traumatic. In addition to severe emotional shock, death can cause a potential economic crisis if the spouse is the main source of income for the family. Death can require major social adjustments to make the surviving spouse a single parent, adapt to life as a single parent, and perhaps return to work. Older people can be particularly vulnerable because losing a spouse means losing a lifetime of shared experiences. At this time, the death of a close friend can increase the feeling of loneliness. Suicide losses can be one of the most difficult losses to bear. They can survive with a huge burden of guilt, anger, and shame. Survivors may feel responsible for the death. Counseling in the first few weeks after suicide is especially useful and meaningful. 


Living With Grief


Dealing with death is important to your mental health. It's only natural to feel sad when a loved one dies. The best you can do is to allow yourself to grieve. There are many ways to effectively manage pain. Seek caring people. Find relatives and friends who can understand your feelings of loss. Join a support group with others who are experiencing similar losses. Show your feelings Tell others your feelings. It helps you handle the process of sorrow. Pay attention to your health. Keep in touch with your doctor on a regular basis to eat well and rest. Be aware of the dangers of relying on drugs or alcohol to deal with grief. Accept that life is for living.


You should take the time to get used to your losses. Be patient. It can take months or years to handle big losses and embrace a changed life. Get outside help as needed. If you think your grief is too great, seek professional help to handle your grief. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.




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