Agustina Garibotti| October 21, 2022

In countries most affected by climate change, such as Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, and
Guatemala, people face acute hunger and starvation, accompanied by their ongoing national
conflicts. Published on September 5th, 2022, a report by Oxfam International strongly suggests a correlation between extreme weather and rising hunger, affecting the declining well-being of
citizens residing in the so-called climate hot spots. Although these countries contribute the least
to global warming, the burdensome practices of industrialized nations place another disturbance
on the conflicting life of low-income communities.
Sarah Morra & Becky Nixon| October 21, 2022
Hunger has been a constant problem since the dawn of time, but it is getting even worse, with 27 million additional people suffering from acute hunger since 2016. With the number of people experiencing extreme hunger doubling in some of the countries most vulnerable to climate change (stated by Oxford International in a new report), it is clear that this situation is further deteriorating due to climate change and that action must be taken now.
Hunger & climate change - two of the world’s most prevalent issues. Yet two issues that still go unsolved. Millions upon millions are affected. Nearly 18 million of those people reside in Afghanistan, Haiti, Somalia, and Zimbabwe. The people of these countries now dealing with starvation have already had their lives shift due to war, displacement, and economic insecurity.
Now, the outbreak and increase of climate disaster allows for them to get pushed further into extreme hunger. There is an evident connection between weather and the rising hunger in 10 areas where the climate is very hot. These areas are Afghanistan, Burkina, Faso, Djibouti, Guatemala, Haiti, Kenya, Madagascar, Niger, Somalia, and zimbabwe.
Several factors are responsible for the correlation between the devastation of hunger and extreme climate circumstances. Though it is difficult to find the exact culprit, extreme weather is the reason for the destruction of homes and crops. This is a pressing issue, devastating the lives of millions. The climate issue itself is not new but it is still very urgent as it is unfolding in front of our eyes, whisking away the livelihoods of millions.
As the Oxfam International report notes, it is the countries that have contributed the least to climate change that are feeling the terrible and forceful impacts of climate change. For example, the countries that are the most vulnerable to climate change account for only 0.13% of global carbon emissions and yet they “sit in the bottom third of countries least ready for climate change”. It is deeply unfair that the countries that were able to grow and prosper due to high production and pollution are now leaving less developed countries alone with the task of developing their country in a sustainable way. It can be seen that the countries that now enjoy stability should be supporting these more vulnerable countries such as Kenya and Somalia that desperately need help to feed their people, especially with Somalia facing its worst drought on record, according to The Washington Post.
As witnessed and studied by many, the climate issue is a tragedy orchestrated by the human race. Climate affects all aspects of life including crop production, which has evidently led many further into severe hunger. We are the cause of our own destruction - We must now choose to be the architects of our future and take action.